This is my blog. On my author website. It is freakin’ mind blowing.

Now that I’ve finished editing my contemporary romance manuscript – and I mean, tear a chunk of your heart out and patch it up then tear some more out kind of editing – I am ready to bare my soul to the world (or at least to one other person who isn’t me or my mom).

I recently finished reading Jennifer Probst’s “Write Naked.” Funnily enough, I read “Write Naked” before the “The Wedding Bargain,” which means I read “Write Naked” (hereinafter referred to as “Naked”) as an author aspiring to become a career author – to learn – not as a fan. The issue discussed in my review won’be *squeak* “I love you, Jennifer!” *dead feint* but does “Naked” allow you to walk away with practical tools to help you sell books?

The verdict? Dang right, it does. Plus, now I’m a Jennifer Probst fan. *squeak* “I love you, Jennifer!” *dead feint*

I’m an attorney during the day (what? you hadn’t guessed from the “hereinafter referred to as”?) and it helps me to see a logical, well-organized list of issues to tackle. “Naked” does just that.

Her advice on the craft of writing is succinct and to the point, but honestly, it’ll take years of hands on experience to truly “get” what she’s saying. But her advice on being a full-time author is like The Ring to Rule Them All – precious and powerful.

This website is in part inspired by the advice in “Naked.” She convinced me that branding and media-presence aren’t just modern mumbo-jumbo phrases to throw around. It is crucial to becoming a successful author in this day and age, and to be a successful career author, success means selling books. *ducks rotten tomato thrown at face*

Look, folks. I LOVE to write. I NEED to write. There’s nothing I want more than to write full-time. Even if I become a New York Times Bestselling author, I probably won’t make more than what I make as an attorney. But it’s not about the money. If I could just make enough to make ends meet, I’d throw my steady income out the window. So. Don’t. Judge.

As far as reviews go, this is all pretty vague. As far as sharing the impact “Naked” had on me, it is soul baring.

In the spirit of writing naked, my next blogs will be dedicated to doing each and every one of the exercises in “Naked” in public. Naked in public. Ha!

Hope to see you all soon.